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Life in the Fast Lane: Conquering Overwhelmed Mom Mode |

Life in the Fast Lane: Conquering Overwhelmed Mom Mode

Hey there, fellow supermoms! Are you constantly on the go? Juggling a million tasks in a day, feeling like you’re always stuck in the fast lane of life? Trust me, as a mom of three – I know this feeling all too well.

But fear not, because in this blog post, we’re going to tackle the everyday challenges that come with being a mom – from making dinner, doing housework, sports schedules, and everything that causes “Overwhelmed Mom Mode”.

So, grab a cozy blanket and your favorite cup of coffee, because we’re in this together, and we’ve got solutions to make life a little less hectic!

Overwhelmed Mom Mode

Picture this: you wake up, and boom, stress is already your morning coffee. It’s like an uninvited guest who just won’t leave. Then there’s that constant feeling of fatigue, like you’ve been chasing kids and chores all night long. And oh, the irritability!

Even the kids asking what’s for dinner, feels like a personal attack. The mess of a house – it’s growing, and you? Well, you’re actively ignoring it, hoping it’ll vanish on it’s own (spoiler alert: it won’t). Let’s conquer this overwhelmed mom mode, once and for all!

To Do List

Meet your bestie – The to-do List Notepad. Write down all your to dos, and I mean everything! From grocery shopping to appointments, pick ups and drop offs, phone calls etc. Prioritize like a pro, and tackle the big tasks first.

As you conquer each task, cross it off!

Prioritize what matters most, delegate tasks when you can, and remember, time management is like a recipe – adjust it until it’s just right for your family!

Mom To do list
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Schedules | Daily Activities

Now kids’ schedules – oh boy, they’re like a Rubik’s Cube, right? Between sports, school events and appointments – Color-coded calendars are your best pals here. Assign a color to each kiddo and keep track of their schedules and chores.

And don’t forget about syncing digital calendars with your partner’s – teamwork makes the dream work.

With a family of 8 (Brady bunch, I know) we use the Skylight Calendar and it works awesome for keeping our family on the same page.

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What I love about the Skylight Calendar

Use the Skylight app to Sync Calendars from Google, Apple, Outlook, Cozi or Yahoo.

Mom Life Calendar
Meal Plan

Plan Daily Meals that your whole family can see.

Chore Chart – Each child can have their own chore chart with their own color.

View the Calendar – You can change the view you see to either Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

You can make to do lists and access them right from the app.

Meal Planning

Oh, that dreaded moment when the kids ask, “Mom, What’s for dinner,?” It’s like a plot twist we weren’t ready for, right? But fret not, we’ve got you covered.

meal planning

First, try to embrace the art of meal planning. Get the kids involved; let them choose a meal or two and create a weekly menu – they love that power! If your schedule is crazy – go for simple and quick recipes or embrace leftovers (they can be surprisingly awesome).

Click Here to download my (4) meal planning worksheets, that way next time they pop the dinner question, you’ll be more than ready!

Prioritizing Self-Care

It’s easy to put yourself on the back burner – I know this because it’s something I’ve always done. Scheduling “me-time” is super important, yet it’s the hardest thing for us moms to do!

I’ve recently started going to bingo and to my surprise, I enjoy it as my “me” time! So regardless if it’s going to play Bingo, snuggling up with a good book, taking a hot bath or getting some extra sleep – It’s important to make time for you!

Conquering the Mess

First up, the messy house! Ever heard of the 10-minute tidy-up? It’s a game-changer. Set a timer and rally the troops for a quick cleanup. You’d be amazed at what can get done in just 10 minutes when kids look at it as a fun game!


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Start with one room or even just a corner of a room. Tackle the clutter first, sorting items into keep, donate or toss piles. Then, focus on one task at a time, like folding laundry, dusting, vacuuming, or wiping down surfaces.

Before you know it, that mountain of mess will transform into manageable molehills. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a spotless house – but every little bit you conquer is a step closer to victory

Embrace the Power of No

Saying no doesn’t make you a bad mom; it makes you a smart one. When you’re juggling a thousand things, that commitment may just be one too many – and it’s perfectly okay to politely decline.

Saying no is saying yes to your sanity. It’s like decluttering your to-do list, making room for the things that truly matter. So, don’t be afraid to set boundaries, protect your precious time, and focus on what helps you conquer overwhelm. Remember, it’s your life, your time, and your choice – and that’s pretty darn empowering!

Say yes when it really counts

Alright now that we got saying no out of the way – let’s talk social and relationship commitments that are important. These are the heartstrings that connect us to our loved ones – the birthday parties, family dinners, and lending a hand when life gets tough.

Mark important events on the calendar, and be clear about your boundaries. It’s okay to say no sometimes, so you can say yes when it really counts.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with our packed schedules and sometimes dread going to things.. but when you’re knee-deep in RSVPs and gatherings, take a deep breath, put on that fabulous smile, and cherish the moments that truly matter.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Look, we’ve got a million things on our mom plates, and it’s easy to get caught up in the little daily hiccups that drive us bonkers.

But here’s the deal: most of these things won’t matter in the grand scheme of our journey as a mom.

So, take a deep breath, practice patience, and remember to pick your battles. When that toy is left on the living room floor for the hundredth time, or the toast gets burnt, it’s okay.

Focus on the bigger picture – the giggles, the love, the precious time that goes by so fast. Those are the moments that truly count.

And when you find yourself stressing over the small stuff, just remind yourself, “This too shall pass.” You’ve got this, mama!

Personal Mom Goals

Personal goals are the dreams we shape into reality, the promises we make to ourselves. Whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a business, or achieving any personal goal that requires determination, planning, and courage – Stick to it and watch as they transform into the adventures and accomplishments!

daily journal
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Ah, the infamous Mom Guilt

Mom guilt, the unwelcome guest at every mom’s mental tea party! Let’s tackle this beast head-on. First, know this: it’s as common as spilled milk, so you’re not alone.

We’re talking about those moments when we feel like we’re not doing enough or questioning every parenting choice. But here’s the truth bomb: taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential.

When you’re at your best, you can give your best to your family. So, banish that guilt with self-care like it’s your superpower.

Whether it’s a bubble bath, a solo church date, a good book or a night on the time, make it non-negotiable.

And remember, you’re not just a mom; you’re a role model showing your kiddos that self-love is part of a happy, healthy life.

So, when mom guilt creeps in, give it a wink and carry on being the rock star mom you are!

Time is a Thief

Time, oh sweet time, it’s a sneaky thief that can slip through our fingers if we’re not careful. As moms, we often find ourselves wishing for more hours in the day, but here’s the deal: time is a gift, and it’s running whether we like it or not. all

As my two older kids turned 15/16 – it really hit me on just how quick it happens. I often find myself wondering how in the world did we get here so quickly? They suddenly went from being my sweet little babies to working their first jobs, driving their own cars, and not depending on mom for everything. (sigh) It’s both depressing and bittersweet all at the same time!

So, embrace it while you can. Spend quality moments with your loved ones, build those precious memories, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Prioritize what truly matters, ditch the endless scroll, and savor the now. Let go of perfectionism and savor the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

Take photos, write love notes, and create traditions that make time your ally, not your enemy.

Time waits for no one, so it’s time to kick this overwhelmed mom syndrome to the curb and make this precious time count.

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